General Information:
- Population: 91,519,289
- 81% atheist
- Communist government
- Vietnam is on the Eastern side of the Indochinese peninsula
- It is 331,210 square kilometers
- It is “S” shaped and has 3,444 kilometers of coastline
- It is surrounded by the Gulf of Tonkin, Gulf of Thailand, and South China Sea
- Rugged mountains and plateaus to the north
- Forested hills
- Extremely humid
- Varied climate temperatures because of its length
Early History:
- It was one of the longest continuous empires in history, about 10,000 years
- They had 1,000 years of foreign rule, mostly by dynastic China, some by France
- The Hung Dynasty lasted until 258 BC, when it was overthrown by a nearby kingdom, and became known as Au Lac
- In 208 BC, A Chinese general conquered Au Lac, and named it Nam Viet
- Nam Viet battled with The Han Dynasty in China until finally being defeated and conquered by China in 111 BC.
- For the next 1,900 years, Vietnam struggled to maintain its independence
Mythological Beginnings:
- According to tradition, King Lac Long Quan(the Dragon Lord of Lac) married the immortal Au Co
- Au Co bore him 100 sons, and they formed a nation between China and Indonesia (Van Lang)
- They did not believe that they could live together, with their differing backgrounds, so each took 50 sons
- When Lac Long died in about 2879 BCE, his oldest son founded the Hung Dynasty
- A dynastic period started in 939 CE, when General Ngo Quyen freed Vietnam from China, and founded the Ngo Dynasty. This dynasty lasted between 939-967
- The Dinh Dynasty(968-980 CE) replaced the Ngo Dynasty by unifying the feudal lords that overthrew Ngo.
- The Early Le (lay) Dynasty lasted from 980 to 1009. this dynasty established buddhism as the main religion in Vietnam
- the Ly (lee) Dynasty lasted from 1009 and 1225, and moved the capital to Thang Long, now called Hanoi
- The Tran Dynasty ruled between 1225 and 1400, and successfully defended Vietnam from Kublai Khan
- From 1400 to 1428, the Ho Dynasty ruled, but was also briefly occupied by China
- The Late Le (lay) Dynasty is considered Vietnam's golden age period. they developed guerilla war tactics, and forced China out of Vietnam
- between 1543 and 1776, a civil war divided the country. the north was ruled by the Trinh Dynasty, and the Nguyen Dynasty ruled the south
- The Nguyen Dynasty won the civil war, and unified Vietnam between 1792 and 1883
French Occupation:
- Started in 1883
- Happened because France wanted to introduce Catholicism to SE Asia and Vietnam and when the Vietnamese refused, they invaded to force Catholicism upon them
- France obtained official rule after the Sino-French war in 1884 and 1885
- Ended with Vichy France- Nazi influenced France- when it surrendered Vietnam to Japan in 1949
Vietnam War:
- Started in 1955
- Ho Chi Minh, a Vietnamese Communist leader, led a rebellion against the government
- The US attempted to help the South Vietnamese fight for democracy
- The US was unprepared for the terrain and guerilla warfare
- They used a chemical agent called “Agent Orange” that killed much of the vegetation, and damaged the environment
- The demilitarized zone was at the 38th parallel
- Ended in 1975
Current Issues:
- Vietnam has a high crime rate
- The cleanup from “Agent Orange” is ongoing and may still take years to fully clean up
- There is no freedom of press and the Communist regime is allegedly still jailing people for news articles about democracy and related topics
- Vietnam is in a dispute with China over the Spratly Islands
- There is an emphasis on community and family values, hard work, hospitality, and devotion to one's studies
- The majority of Vietnam is atheist, but some major religions in Vietnam are Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and the native religions
- Buddhism was most prominent between 1010 and 1440
- The style of cooking is a blend of Chinese, French and miscellaneous Asian spices, flavors, techniques, and ingredients
- Fish, long grain rice and noodles are a main staple
- All food is served at once, no “courses” in meals
- Influenced by the Asian principle of 5 elements and Mahabhuta
- Wood
- Fire
- Water
- Earth
- Metal/Space
Chaney, A. "Geography of Vietnam." Edited by Wikipedia. Princeton University.
Accessed February 11, 2013.
Largo, V. Vietnam: Current Issues and Historical Background. N.p.: Nova Publishers, 2002.
Rosenburg, Matt. "Geography and Map of Vietnam." Accessed February 7, 2013.
Encyclopædia Britannica Online, s. v. "Vietnam War", accessed February 19, 2013,
Encyclopædia Britannica Online, s. v. "Sino-French War", accessed February 19, 2013,
Monier-Williams, Monier. "Mahabhuta." In Sanskrit Dictionary, by Monier
-Williams. N.p., 1899.
"History of Vietnamese Food ." Food of Vietnam.
(accessed February 13, 2019).
“Major Cities of Vietnam”
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